

Project “We have a dream” CB007.2.22.10 (Second call) is co-financed by EU through Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007, Priority Axis 2: Youth, Specific Objective 2.2: People-To-People Networking

Project overall objective

Development of a youth network between secondary schools’ students from Montana (Bulgaria), Nisavski and Pirotski (Serbia) counties

Specific objective 1

Training of 120 young people from Montana, Nisavski and Pirotski counties in key competences related to the volunteering, personal development, environmental protection and necessity for communication in joint development.

Specific objective 2

Partnership Agreement and development of a strong partnership to support subsequent youth networking initiatives.

Conception 1. To be responsible EU citizens:

Lecture 1.1: Young people’s attitude to environment /protection, knowledge, tourism activities – L1.1 pdf

Lecture 1.2: My education is my prosperity – L1.2 pdf

Lecture 1.3: Volunteering – why, where, how – L1.3 pdf


“Humans are a part of nature, not its masters.”

“In order to effectively integrate “environmental protection” into the existing curriculum, it is first important to know what local, regional and national environmental issues are.”

“The younger generation, as new citizens, will inherit the responsibility of protecting the environment.”

“Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income. It increases the chance for a healthy life, reduces mortality and fights disease.”

“It is vital that all children have teachers who are well trained, motivated, able to identify poor students and to be supported by well-managed education systems.”

“With the passing of years, learning is not just about getting a diploma or taking courses within official educational institutions. 

Lifelong learning matters”

“Almost all volunteer participants in all fields, especially in the environmental field, find that participation benefits their lives.”
“Volunteering in the environmental field changes participants’ feelings about the environment for the better.”
“One should work hard to disseminate relevant information among young people, because not everyone can check the accuracy of all information that is made public.”

Conception 2. Career development:

Lecture 2.1: A will pointed to development – L2.1 pdf

Lecture 2.2: Education necessary for making decisions – L2.2 pdf


“Personal growth is a development of behavioral patterns and attitudes that make a person recognizable.”

“Personal growth comes to be with continuous interaction of the temperament, character and the evnironment.”

“Self-confidence brings more happiness, because when you’re more confident in own abilities, you’re happier about success. When you feel better about your capabilities, you’re more motivated to take the necessary steps towards completing your goals.”

“The essence of leadership development that works is self-directed learning: intentionally developing or strengthening the aspect of who you are or who you want to be, or both.”

“The process of becoming a leader is about the same as the process of becoming a complete human being – leadership is a metaphor for focus, consistency and balance in one’s life.”

“Becoming authentic is not an event, it is a set of complex relationships and interactions.”

Conception 3. We define our own life:

Lecture 3.1: Drugs – mental health and social interactions – L3.1 pdf

Lecture 3.2: Feeding as a personal choice – L3.2 pdf

Lecture 3.3 Physical activities – how to do sports – L3.3 pdf

“Health is more than the absence of illness – it is a resource that enables people to fulfill their aspirations, meet their needs and cope with the environment in order to live long, productive and fruitful lives.”

“Substance abuse is different from addiction. Many people who have substance abuse problems can quit or change their unhealthy behavior. Addiction, on the other hand, is a disease. This means that you cannot stop using them even when their use is detrimental to you.”

“Existing problems usually require long-term care and support. No rapid progress. Additional support is essential.”

“Human intestines contain a large population of intestinal flora. It is essential for digestion and is also influenced by the food consumed.”

“Nutrition literacy is an important part of people’s ability to acquire, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.”

“Processed foods have an inferior nutritional profile compared to integral, fresh foods, in terms of content and sugar and high glycemic index, starch, potassium / sodium, vitamins, fiber and intact, non-oxidized (essential) fatty acids.”

“Adults should move more and sit less during the day.”

“Physical activity enhances physical function in individuals of all ages, enabling them to lead their daily lives with energy and without excessive fatigue. Physical activity can improve cognitive function in youth and adults.”

“Scientific evidence strongly suggests that physical activity can be safe for almost everyone. Moreover, the health benefits of physical activity far outweigh the risks.”
