
Opening press conference of the project „We have a dream“ was held in Niš on October 18th
2019. with 22 participants. Among them representatives of the media were 14 (the rest were
project partners, JS representatives and translator). The JS representative Maja Jovanović
informed about the Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Serbia programme. The representatives of Agency for
development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium
presented the project objectives, activities, planned outputs and project partners. All targeted
media was provided by press release about the project.

First project meeting was held on November 6-7 th , 2019 in Bulgaria with the presence of
representatives of Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for
Development Montanesium.

Second project meeting was held on Janury 9-10th, 2020 in Bulgaria with the presence of representatives of Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium.

Third project meeting was held on March 11-12th 2020. in Bulgaria with the participation of representatives from Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium.

Forth project meeting was held online July 2324th 2020. with the participation of representatives from Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium.

Three day theoretical course was held online on August 26-28th 2020. starting from 9:30 am (CEST)/10:30(EEST) with participation of totally 127 participants (43 BG 18-19 years old youngsters; 68 SER 18-19 years old youngsters; 5 BG and 5 SER teachers; 5 project team members and 1 interpreter).

First day was dedicated to the 1st Conception: How to be responsible citizen of EU with three lectures:

Young people’s attitude to environment /protection, knowledge, tourism activities

My education is my prosperity

Volunteering – why, where, how

Second day was dedicated to the 2nd Conception: Career development encompassing the lectures:

2.1. A will pointed to development

2.2. Education necessary for making decisions

Third day was dedicated to the 3rd Conception: We define our own life containing three lectures:

3.1 Drugs – mental health and social interactions

3.2 Feeding as a personal choice

3.3 Physical activities – how to do sports

Each day, after the lectures young people from Bulgaria and Serbia discussed about the issues from the lectures the most interesting to them, and have filmed their impressions.

Fifth project meeting was held on August 2930th 2020. in Bulgaria with the participation of representatives from Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium.

The five-day practical course was held online from September 7-11th 2020 with participation of totally 132 participants, as follow: 50 BG 18-19 years old youngsters /28 participated in the 3-day theoretical and 22 as a new participants/; 64 SER 18-19 years old youngsters /35 participated in the 3-day theoretical and 29 as a new participants/; 7 BG teachers /5 participated in the 3-day theoretical course and 2 as a new participants/; 5 SER teachers; 5 project team members and 1 interpreter.

During the first day of the 5-day online practical course it was discussed items related to the first elaborated conception, namely: To be responsible EU citizens.

The second day continued with discussions of items pointed to Career development. Within the third and the fourth day all participants discussed items pointed to our own life-physical activities and healthy way of life.

During the 5th day 3 experts from Association Hunting Fisheries Society Ogosta, Montana trained the participants how to preserve nature and volunteering initiatives. All the time, the youngsters took part active in the event as share good practices and presented their own opinion on each of the topics of the 5-day online practical course. Through the both 3-day online theoretical course and 5-day online practical course 162 youngsters have developed the necessary skills and experience to communicate across the border and preserve nature by volunteering.

Purchased by PP1,/Association Center for Development Montanesium/ the 10 feeding troughs and 40 bird houses were placed on the territory of Montana district by experts of Association of Hunting Fisheries Society “Ogosta”, Montana. An Agreement was signed between the Association Center for Development Montanesium /PP1/ and the Association of Hunting Fisheries Society “Ogosta”, Montana to establish a support network and maintain project outputs /bird houses and feeding troughs/.

Forth project meeting was held online September 1718th 2020. with the participation of representatives from Agency for development of civil society “Nišava” and Association Center for Development Montanesium.

Final press conference was held online on September 24th 2020 with the participation of 17 total participants /5 project team members, 1 interpreter and 11 media representatives/. During the press conference the implemented project – activities, achieved results and objectives were presented.